Monday, February 13, 2012

Week of 2/13/12 Following up our Projects_Peer Assessment_Ch5 Stuff

This week we will be completing some follow up activities related to our Art Project and Portfolio Task.  Specifically, we will look at someone else's feedback related to our project or providing feedback to them about their work.  While doing this, we will dig deeper into our own trig. graph knowledge, but more importantly, we will practice how we communicate our understanding of someone else's work.  In additions, we will incorporate someone else's feedback to improve our product.  Learning to communicate constructively and effectively is a very important skill to develop that will help you in all your classes and in life!  Also, reflecting about how your original ideas were communicated in your project should teach you a thing or two (or at the very least point out you did not follow directions!) about how to approach more open-ended projects.

Content Goal 
Be able to understand the difference between the Law of Sines (including the Ambiguous Case 5.3) and the Law of Cosines and apply those relationships to new situations (other sections of Chapter 5).

3 Key Products
  • Revised written "instructions" to describe how to create your graphs from the art project (due via e-mail Tuesday Night, 10 pm)
  • Textbook problems announced in class Ch.5  Handouts (due in folder last day of class this week)
  • Written Reflection about last week's task (submitted online or via email)   - You will be asked to submit a written reflection after you see your graded task.  Most likely, you will see your graded task Thursday or Friday. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm in Dennis's class as well, and I was also wondering if you'd like us to send a reflection along with our instructions. If so, what kind of reflection would you like?

  2. Mr. Steppen, I was (sadly) not present in class on Monday. I'm sure that tomorrow you will catch me up on the instructions/ reflection you mentioned above. I would write a set of instructions for my drawing if I hadn't given you all of my rough as well as final draft. If possible, will I be able to get these from you tomorrow in class? Thanks in advance!

  3. Mr. Steppen, for me i don't know the 5.4 law of cosines homework because you had never assigned it to us because we just went over it law of cosines today. i thought it was up online so i never asked you what it happened to be. i've completed all the other worksheets and bookwork for law of sines, i just don't know what the law of cosines homework is and don't want to lose points for not having it. so if you could message me through here or my email, that'd be great! thanks

  4. The summary of this weeks Homework can be found


    and is pasted below:

    [2/13/12 - 2/17/12] Real-world Trig Meas.[ /20 HW Credits]
    Write Weekly Date/Topics and Total Score on left side of folder
    HW 5.4 269/1-4,13-20, Law of Cosines /4
    HW 5.3 261/5-16,23-27 Law of Sines (Amb.) /4
    Handout with Crib on Front Mixed
    Law of Sines Handout A2.A.75 Ambiguous Case /4
    Law of Cosines Handout
    Today - Label as 5.4b Applied Probs /4

    Also write on left side of folder:
    Task Score - At the Beach /20 [Ex]
