Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Midyear Exam Reflection

Below are some thoughts about the mid term results.  Stop by and see me tomorrow if you want to see the test.  The actual exams will not be handed back, but you may take a peek.


The good – Scores were generally high, mostly B’s and C’s and only a few A’s.  Pretty much the entire class was solid on inverses, graphing aspects of Trigonometric Functions, questions relating to the Unit Circle, and Domain, Range, Asymptotes.

The bad – Some of the open-ended answers and recognition of concepts learned earlier in the year.  Specifically, when analyzing an angle (like 188-degrees) we use a Reference Angle.  That is important vocabulary and matches the little yellow triangle we often had on the TV as a visual. Even functions are symmetrical about the y-axis.  Many of us missed this question.  Think about a parabola y = x^2. 

Do you recall what an odd function is symmetrical about?    And what is a good way of remembering that characteristic?  First new commenter who responds to those questions correctly starts of the new term with extra credit.

The Ugly – Solving polynomial equations (material from earlier in the year – try factoring first and check for zeros with your graphing calculators). 

Co-functions and the Domain/Range of Inverse Trig Functions– This is a pretty straightforward concept, we just need more practice.  

Expect some more HW problem coming soon.  We also need more practice with phase shifts.

See some of you Friday!  Good luck with any remaining exams.

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