The carnival has arrived in Newport and now is the perfect time to show what you know about applying Sine and Cosine Functions to model periodic behavior.
Who wants to just ride a Ferris Wheel when you now know enough to write and graph a function to model the motion. You can also describe to your friends when and how often they will be at certain height by just knowing how long it takes to go around once.
That is hands down better. PERIOD.
There is a wealth of demonstrations of the connections between Ferris Wheels and Trig. class by a simple google search trigonometry ferris wheel video.
The only thing you have not learned is how to interpret or use phase shifts to create different types of models. We will learn that this week and then complete a task.
The visuals displays should really help you put it all together. I like the second short 60 second video that popped up with my google search.