Sunday, January 13, 2013

Rule of 4_Real-World Problems

At this point we are shifting our angle and radian understanding to actual times and heights.  The purpose of the "leaf bobbing" and "ferris wheel" problems have been to transform your understanding of circular functions to actual situations that can be modeled with trigonometric functions. 

Hopefully, the graphing of the functions has been pretty straightforward  and the recognition of "four to five" different key times and heights connects to your understanding of the unit circle.

Key Products  
  • 4.1 and 4.2 text assignments (especially #49) should be handed in with the last assignment sheet (this should show your understanding of the basic trigonmetric graphs).  Due Monday!
  • Practice Task Handouts - The sinusoidal functions (see my website for some worked out solutions to one of the practice problems)
  • Task (Tuesday or Weds).  You must complete these independently within one class period.  This will count as a test grade.
  • Review packet problems (just for general review).  This does not relate to the task or Ch.4.
Understanding Numerically, Algebraically, and Graphically
  • We have "solved" a couple of practice equations in class.  This basically involves what you already know solving using inverse operations then applying arcsine and arccosine to undo the function.
  • We have not "evaluated" a lot of trig. functions in class but you will need to apply evaluating to our real-world trig. functions
  • You do know how to apply unit circle reference angles and will need to apply that understanding to the actual repeating cycles of a trig. function to show proficient understanding on the task.  It all relates back to 180 +/- the reference angle or 360 - reference angle.  But we are not talking about angles anymore.
You are expected to look at the website tonight and see some worked out solutions if you are stuck on the task practice problems. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Psyched about sinusoidals

General – You will be assessed on how well you can graph and interpret  sine and cosine functions tomorrow Quiz 4.1-4.2 (or Tuesday if you are in D-period)

Note:  Assignments 4.1 and 4.2 will be handed in tomorrow

Be sure you :

·         know the meaning of the coefficients of y = a sin b (x –c) + d

·         can determine the period, amplitude, and vertical shift

·         can graph sine an cosine functions using a table of values

3 Key Goals for this week

  • Show you know the 4.1 – 4.2 material
  • Apply trigonometry functions to real-world situations (sinusoidal relationships – see 4.7)
  • Complete more challenging word problems/sample tasks to get ready for next week
For those of you who did not complete the New Year's Packet, I have created a second problem set.   You must complete the problems handed to you next class AND the New Year's refresher packet. 
For those you who did complete the packet.  You will be given the option of checking another students work once it is completed and/or completing less open-ended problems.
Any extra work completed can be used to raise an earlier homework grade from earlier in the year (the review packets really represent material learned eariler this year).  The new multiple choice problems will be posted on my website under the Ch.4 folder. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Does the Functional New Year Start at (0,0) or (0,1)?

General - This should be my best blog post so far this year...  This upcoming week, we will be continuing to learn about the sine and cosine graphs, key features and what happens when we apply  “shifts”.  There are only 8 lessons left before the quarter is over so these next few weeks are really important.  Listed below are some key dates and upcoming assessments/tasks.  

3 Key Goals for this week
  • Master the important features of sine and cosine graphs and their corresponding equations.
  • Be able to describe what happens to our functions and  graphs when we starting changing the   a, b, c, and d’s of y = a sin(bx) +d and more importantly understand how these coefficients are related to real-world phenomenon
  • Demonstrate that you have mastered previous algebraic and graphing skills (new year’s packet)  If you don’t show mastery (above 80%) on this packet you will receive more problems to do and mandatory time after school or during advisory to learn it and show it!
3 Key Products (this week)
·         New Year’s Packet (see rubric on the website) if you want to print rubric out and self-assess tonight please do!  Anyone who does gets a new non-sharpening pencil as a reward.   Sample solutions are posted for you on my MHS webpage.
  • Homework 4.2 will be assigned next class and due Friday.
  • Quiz 4.1 – 4.2 on Friday (day3)

  • Key Assessments  and Dates this Month (tentative…they may change a little)
  • In class portfolio task on Monday  January 14th, 2013 (worth a test grade)
  • Mid year exam – Thursday January 24th, 2013 (both C- and D-period)
  • Trigonometry Art Project Due January 18th, 2013 (General Instructions already on website)
Happy 2013!  Notice I wrote the correct date each time.